Thursday, January 25, 2007
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Human Technology Private View

David Medalla performing

Laura Cristin performing .Wave

Ernesto Sarezale performing
'Artist as a life model'

Philip Martyn on Anthroposophy

Sarah Reilly performing 'From this to that'

Philip Lee performance

Fergus Anderson on the Strader Machine
- the inspiration for this exhibition.
6 July 2006
Synergy Gallery, London
Friday, July 14, 2006
Human Technology Press Release
For the occasion of the London Biennale 2006 neo-dogma-non is curating the show Human Technology at the Synergy Gallery. Once again the diverse body of artists comprising the London Biennale convene neo-dogma-non style to make you think.
David Medalla started the London Biennale in 2000 with Adam Nankervis and ever since it hasn't stopped growing. Its development is truly organic and its style down to earth. Its informal yet centralised organisation allows it to expand to all corners of the planet including all art mediums and expressions.
The inspiration for this show comes from an article I read in the New View magazine about the Strader Machine. This is a devise mentioned in some of Rudolf Steiner's lectures in the first half of the 20th Century. I found it most fascinating and it triggered all sorts of questions in my mind.
neo-dogma-non (ndn) is an art movement to raise human awareness for Human Awareness itself. It is our intention to bring the importance of human existence back to the forefront of creation. Our ethos draws from Anthropology, Buddhism, Neuroscience, Psychology and Anthroposophy to mention but a few.
In this particular exhibition one particular concept from one of our sources of inspiration serves as a catalyst to join three influential groups of the London scene in 2006: the London Biennale, neo-dogma-non and the Synergy Project. This time the theme is Human Technology: what is it? Your hands, a pen, a computer or your intention?
The Synergy Gallery was started by neo-dogma-non in the beginning of the Synergy Centre. The Centre itself was founded as the social enterprise of the Synergy Project parties where ndn also initiated the gallery. To choose the Synergy Gallery to house the Human Technology show and to include it in the London Biennale circuit was only natural. All three organisations share the gathering of creative minds from all over the world coming together to manifest emotion and make London the vibrant place it is.
Here & now: explorations of meaning, past & future possibilities, technological concepts in the 21st Century. Through a visual feast of painting, photography, mixed media, installation, video and performing art the artists explore the theme of Human Technology creating a platform for dialogue to develop between all these different mediums working under the same guise. The body of artists is truly diverse with artists from Portugal, UK, Philippines, India, Cyprus, Spain, Canada, Norway, Italy, Korea, Australia & Brazil.
Rosemarie Lopes, David Medalla, Marisol Cavia, Adam Nankervis, Jill Rock, Wayne Chisnall, Dolores Sanchez Calvo, James White, Francesca Cho, TOPRAK, Sarah Reilly, Robert Lord, Laura Cristin, Richard Niman, Katie Sollohub, Arvinder Bawa, Lorraine Clarke, Marko Stepanov, Margaret Atkinson, Philip Lee, Jacqueline Drinkall, Calum F Kerr, Cathy McGuinness, Giacomo Picca, Loli Cardenoso, Mali, Jolanta Jagiello, Alina Gavrielatos, Ernesto Sarezale, Zoƫ Zircon Davis, June Sira & Jo Roberts.
Rosemarie Lopes
July 2006
David Medalla started the London Biennale in 2000 with Adam Nankervis and ever since it hasn't stopped growing. Its development is truly organic and its style down to earth. Its informal yet centralised organisation allows it to expand to all corners of the planet including all art mediums and expressions.
The inspiration for this show comes from an article I read in the New View magazine about the Strader Machine. This is a devise mentioned in some of Rudolf Steiner's lectures in the first half of the 20th Century. I found it most fascinating and it triggered all sorts of questions in my mind.
neo-dogma-non (ndn) is an art movement to raise human awareness for Human Awareness itself. It is our intention to bring the importance of human existence back to the forefront of creation. Our ethos draws from Anthropology, Buddhism, Neuroscience, Psychology and Anthroposophy to mention but a few.
In this particular exhibition one particular concept from one of our sources of inspiration serves as a catalyst to join three influential groups of the London scene in 2006: the London Biennale, neo-dogma-non and the Synergy Project. This time the theme is Human Technology: what is it? Your hands, a pen, a computer or your intention?
The Synergy Gallery was started by neo-dogma-non in the beginning of the Synergy Centre. The Centre itself was founded as the social enterprise of the Synergy Project parties where ndn also initiated the gallery. To choose the Synergy Gallery to house the Human Technology show and to include it in the London Biennale circuit was only natural. All three organisations share the gathering of creative minds from all over the world coming together to manifest emotion and make London the vibrant place it is.
Here & now: explorations of meaning, past & future possibilities, technological concepts in the 21st Century. Through a visual feast of painting, photography, mixed media, installation, video and performing art the artists explore the theme of Human Technology creating a platform for dialogue to develop between all these different mediums working under the same guise. The body of artists is truly diverse with artists from Portugal, UK, Philippines, India, Cyprus, Spain, Canada, Norway, Italy, Korea, Australia & Brazil.
Rosemarie Lopes, David Medalla, Marisol Cavia, Adam Nankervis, Jill Rock, Wayne Chisnall, Dolores Sanchez Calvo, James White, Francesca Cho, TOPRAK, Sarah Reilly, Robert Lord, Laura Cristin, Richard Niman, Katie Sollohub, Arvinder Bawa, Lorraine Clarke, Marko Stepanov, Margaret Atkinson, Philip Lee, Jacqueline Drinkall, Calum F Kerr, Cathy McGuinness, Giacomo Picca, Loli Cardenoso, Mali, Jolanta Jagiello, Alina Gavrielatos, Ernesto Sarezale, Zoƫ Zircon Davis, June Sira & Jo Roberts.
Rosemarie Lopes
July 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006

Private View - 6 July from 6pm
Human Technology
7 to 31st July 2006 (everyday 12 to 8pm)
Synergy Gallery at Synergy Centre
220 Farmers Road
For enquiries about the venue/ directions call the Centre on 020 7793 1083
For enquiries about the exhibition/ artwork call neo-dogma-non on 07786 742 787